2024 Grand Officers
Worthy Grand Matron Marla Barber
Worthy Grand Patron Ray Dennis
Associate Grand Patron Todd Evans
Distinguished Members of District 7
Past Grand Matron Eloise Wyse
Past Grand Patron Ron Keller
Deputy Grand Matron #7 & #8 Linda Taylor (D6)
Grand Representative of Indiana Tracie Evans
Grand Representative of North Carolina Kalyn Bruce
​OES Home Trustee Phyllis Geesey
District 7 Charities Director Vickie Davis
Aide to AGP Dick Chapin
Grand Chapter Committees
Benevolence, Chairman and Mergers & Consolidations - Ron Keller
Education Committee - Tracie Evans
District 7 Officers
President - Lida Grisier
1st Vice President - Marsha Kujawa
2nd Vice President - Sara Short
Secretary - Diana Evans
Treasurer - Bob Short