About Us
If you are looking for a way to do something for others, and have a great time in the process, you are at the right place. We are a fraternal organization that is always on the lookout for adults of all ages who are trying to better themselves and the community around them.
The officers and members of Bryan Chapter #248, Order of the Eastern Star welcome you to our family. We join together on the 3rd Monday of each month September through June at 7:30 pm. We are located at the Bryan Masonic Center 117 N, Lynn St, Bryan, Ohio.
The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization in the world to which both men and women may belong. Worldwide, there are over 500,000 members. The organization was created in the United States in the early nineteenth century to allow women to join with their Masonic relatives in promoting the values and charitable purposes that are such an important part of the Masonic fraternity. While the Order of the Eastern Star has evolved over the centuries, it still remains rooted in its charitable endeavors and fraternal fellowship.
Local Eastern Star chapters are actively involved in their local communities by providing leaders and supporters as well as financial support. By using the skills developed through the Eastern Star, many members also serve as School Board members, leaders in Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Band Boosters, 4-H clubs and the like. Many Eastern Star members assist other Masonic groups in providing meals to community servants at the holidays, donating to local scholarships and working with church groups.
Eastern Star Chapters donate funds to a wide variety of worthy charities at the local, state and national levels. Some examples include the Cancer Research Project, Heart Fund, 32nd Degree Children’s Dyslexia Centers, Shiners’ Hospitals for Children, and local food banks. In the United States alone, Masonic organizations give $1.5 million a day to charity.